Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Backwards WFMW

Ok, so today's Works for me Wednesday is backwards, and I'm supposed to ask a question. In light of my recent failure at cooking a weeks worth of food in one day, and my constant failures at getting in the kitchen on a daily basis and getting supper on the table since I had my now 3 month old...

How do you suggest to keep a 3 month old entertained and happy long enough to make supper for my family?

Any attempts at advice would be soooo hugely appreciated!!! I'm going crazy.


  1. My now 4 month old likes to sit/stand in a bouncer that is hung from the kitchen door frame. I can keep an eye on her and keep my hands on the food. Before she could do that I would put her in her bouncy chair or her bumbo seat at the door frame. That way I can also talk to her some while I cook. She is entertained by watching me, but out of the way.

  2. I used the swing or bouncy seat with my now 15 month old daughter. With my newborn son (3 weeks old) I have been putting the Boppy or bouncy seat on the kitchen counter that way he is out of my daughters reach, :-)

  3. I set my DD right next to me in her bouncer or Bumbo seat.

    Some other ideas (which I have read but not really tried) might be to use the crock pot more often. Or, instead of a weeks worth of cooking, when you are cooking a dish, cook a double batch and freeze the other half. That way you are only cooking once for 2 meals. Congrats on your new LO!
