Let me start out by saying I'm not a big fan of the whole trying to change your life all of the sudden just because a new year has begun. People try to do way to much way too fast, and it's just setting themselves up for failure. That having been said, my family has gotten into a lot of bad habits lately, and there is no time like the present to change the things that need to be changed, and get some short term goals establised to get us back on track! So my goals (completly unrelated to the new year) are:
1. I have to get back into the swing of cooking every day. My daughter is now 3 months old, and slightly easier to keep happy for short periods of time, so I am going to get back into the kitchen asap! We have started spending way too much money on fast food. Luckily the eat from the pantry challenge is here to help me stay on track for the first month, anyway. I want to cook atleast one meal a day every day for the entire month. If I succeed in cooking once a week on Sundays for the entire week, that will be great. We'll see.
2. I have to start getting out and Selling avon/ signing people up to sell avon. I've been making way too many excuses. I have a husband who is willing to come home from his graveyard shift job and stay up with the kids while I go do what I need to do, so there should be no excuses!
3. I want to start saving around half of my husband's income for the house we're planning to buy in the next few months. Tax returns are going to mostly cover the down payment, but there are going to be many other unexpected expenses along the way, and we haven't been saving nearly as much as we could/should be. Goal number 1 will help greatly with this!
4. I am going to start doing a post once a month about how I'm doing on sticking to these goals. Maybe the extra accountability will help me stay on track.
Check out Frugal Friday at Life as Mom for more New Year Goals!
Look around my eStore to see the amazing deals Avon has going right now (and help me reach my goals!) www.youravon.com/amcgilberry